الجمعة، 13 يناير 2017

أطروحة الماجستير للطالبة ديما أحمد هواري من قسم الصيدلة السريرية

ناقشت بنجاح طالبة الماجستير ديما أحمد هواري من قسم الصيدلة السريرية يوم الخميس الموافق 12/1/2017 م أطروحة الماجستير بعنوان:

العوامل المرتبطة بإلتزام مرضى ارتفاع ضغط الدم بـ سلوكيات نمط الحياة الموصى بها في شمال الأردن 

وقد ضمت لجنة المناقشة  الدكتور قيس العيفان رئيساً وعضوية كل من الدكتور أسامة الشقران والدكتور عنان جراب والدكتور فارس الدحيات كممتحن خارجي. باسم صفحة أصدقاء كلية الصيدلة_ في جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية نبارك للطالبة ديما هواري إتمامها درجة الماجستير في الصيدلة السريرية بنجاح وتفوق متمنين لها مزيدا من التقدم.

للإطلاع على ملخص الدراسة

Background: Hypertension, also called high blood pressure, is classified as a chronic disease and defined as a persistent systolic blood pressure (BP) of 140 mmHg or more and/or diastolic BP of 90 mmHg or more. In Jordan, the prevalence of hypertension is very high, approaching 32.3%. Controlling of BP can be achieved by using antihypertensive medications and adherence to lifestyle changes. Compliance with therapeutic lifestyle recommendations decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems. Therefore, non-compliance can worsen the quality of life and increase the cost of medical care.

Objective: This study aimed to identify factors correlating with hypertensive patients' compliance with lifestyle recommendations in north of Jordan.

Method:A cross sectional survey and face to face interview method were used to collect the data from 1000 adult Jordanian patients (>18 years old) with hypertension, diagnosed for at least 1 month, on medical treatment, and attending hypertensive clinic in King Abdullah University Hospital from (11/October/2016-12/December/2016). The questionnaire was developed based on previous literatureand with the help of experts in the field of hypertension, and was piloted with 20 patients. Data analysis was conducted using the SPSS Version 23. In the beginning, descriptive statistics was conducted. Then chi-square test was conducted to find bivariate correlations with the outcome variables. All variables significant at the 0.05 level were entered into binary logistic regression models as potential predictors of compliance to lifestyle recommendations.

Result:In this study, only 23% of the patients were fully compliant with healthy lifestyle behaviors. About 94.5% were knowledgeable on hypertension, and 85.7% of the patients had positive beliefs about management of this condition. Logistic regression revealed that gender, physician counseling on a healthy lifestyle and self-care, patients’ beliefs abouthypertension management, and their knowledge on hypertension and its management, have an independent effect on compliancewith recommended lifestyle behaviors.

Conclusion: Despitethe high level of patients' knowledge about hypertension disease, and most of the patients showed positive beliefs regarding hypertension management, the rate of compliance with recommended lifestyle behaviors was low. Receiving counseling from a physician about a healthy lifestyle and self-care, being informed about hypertension and its management, and having positive beliefs about managing this disease led to maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

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